
Stop Smoking
- Individual follow-up
- 1st session (1h 30min)
- 5 individual weekly sessions (45min/individual)
- 1 biweekly maintenance session for 2 months (45min/individual)
- 1 monthly individual or group session (1h30min group of up to 6 people) for an average of 5 months
- The investment cost depends on each case. After the 1st free conversation, we define which one will be yours.
- For customers living in the Netherlands, insurance reimbursement is possible.
Health Consultancy Program
LUX VITAE - Health Consulting
- Assessment session (45min; 60 min and 90 min)
VITALE - Integral Health Consulting
- Individual follow-up
- 1 global assessment session (1h 30min)
- 6 individual monthly sessions (60min/individual)
- 6 individual monthly walking sessions (45min/individual) optional
- 1 bi-monthly maintenance session (60min/individual)
- 2 annual individual or group sessions (1h30min group of up to 6 people)
- The investment cost depends on each case.
GROUP VITALE - Self-care, connection & vitality
- Individual follow-up in group
- 1 global assessment session (1h 30min)
- 5 group sessions (120min)
- 1 monthly walking session (60min)
- 1 monthly maintenance session (120min)
- The investment cost depends on each group.
"I smoked since I was 15 years old and tried to quit several times. I would need medical help from someone very special, that's when I received the indication from Dr. Claudia Magaldi. I started the treatment in July 2020, without using any medication, only with the guidance and extraordinary techniques applied by her, I managed to stop smoking on August 29th. I'm still under treatment, but I confess that I don't miss any cigarettes. Much gratitude to Dr. Claudia, who contributed to my better quality of life and health. "
- Sandra Costa
"Ik ben begonnen met roken toen ik 14 jaar was. Vanaf mijn dertigste rookte ik ook af en toe een jointje. Toen mijn zoon 15 jaar geleden overleed begon ik steeds meer marihuana te roken waardoor ik mij afsloot voor mijn verdriet. Met de hulp van Claudia ben ik nu gestopt met sigaretten en marihuana en leer ik om te gaan met mijn verlies."
- Carla

Stop Smoking First Conversation
Schedule your first conversation about the proposal for the program here (15 min free of charge)
Book for Free

General Health Advice
Schedule your appointment for a general health advice (1 hour session)
Book here
Group Session or Thematic Groups
Register to receive the subject, date and time to our next session.